Our Team Consist of
1. Former college and pro athletes
2. Current and retired law enforcement officers
3. College students
4. Former members of the youth program who are now successful in life
5. Working professional people
6. Church ministry leaders
7. Positive role models/people
8. Single parents who have raised their kids to be successful in life.
Much prayer and thought went into putting this youth program/monitoring program together so that children could become productive citizens, and become college bound instead of prison bound, to be able to live out their true meaning and purpose for their lives. To be all that God intended them to be. It is with great pleasure that I thank you for allowing me and The Making Of A Champion Youth Program Monitoring services the opportunity to work with you and your child! Very few children can say that they are performing at the top of their life’s game each and every day by being the best student, citizen, athlete, son or daughter, etc. he or she can be.
I/we will work with your child so that they can reach/maximize his or her God given talent and potential, so that they can be successful in life. We are striving for excellence in serving you the parent and your child. I will give my all to make sure your son or daughter becomes a champion successful in life, and those who work with me will do the same.
We will provide guidance and direction in your child’s life, and will look out for his or her best interest in every way possible.
P.S. It is easier to build strong children than repair broken men or women.
I ask God’s blessings on your children.
Charles Jackson